
HOME Building Envelope ProductsBG700™


BG700LeakBarrier BG700 is a premium self-adhering SBS modified bituminous membrane with a high strength cross laminated polyethylene film on the upper side and a removable silicone treated release liner on the bottom adhesive side. The versatile membrane can be installed to a variety of substrates in residential and selected light commercial and industrial applications.


LeakBarrier BG700 is designed as a multi-purpose waterproofing membrane that can be used for the vertical and horizontal waterproofing of foundation walls, tunnels, and earth shelters, as well as plaza decks, parking decks, balconies and terraces. BG700 can also be installed in interior applications such as bathrooms and kitchens in addition to under siding, exterior plaster, wall flashing or anywhere it will be protected from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light.

Features and Benefits

  • Highly durable sheet that can be used in a variety of applications
  • Rubberized asphalt and polyolefinic film on the upper surface form two distinct water barriers
  • Specially formulated SBS compound facilitates a pliable sheet that will not crack or dry
  • Self-sealing around fasteners
  • Exceptional tensile, tear and elongation properties
  • Film surface is compatible with most construction sealants
  • Versatile sheet adheres to a wide variety of substrates such as concrete, plywood, OSB, metal, wood vinyl, masonry, certain rigid insulations, insulated concrete forms (ICF), etc.


  • BG700 must be stored indoors, in a dry location.
  • Rolls must be protected from the elements. Do not store rolls in direct sunlight.
  • Keep rolls clean and free from moisture prior to installation.
  • Store rolls at room temperature. Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures may reduce the adhesive characteristic of the material.
  • Do not double stack pallets.

General Precautions

  • Install BG700 in strict compliance with applicable building codes.
  • Follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards; use common sense measures and adequate precautions to prevent accidents.
  • Install BG700 only when material interface temperatures (air, deck, material) are 40°F and rising.
  • BG700 shall not be left exposed to the sunlight for more than 30 days.

Surface Preparation

  • Surface must be clean, dry, and free of voids prior to installing BG700.
  • For best results, surface may be primed with an ASTM D41 primer prior to installation of the membrane. When primer is used, ensure the primer is fully dry prior to application of BG700.
  • When surface is primed, ensure the primed surface is dry to the touch and install the membrane within the same work day. If not, the surface shall be re-primed.


  • For ease of application, unroll BG700 and allow it to relax for at least 15 minutes. Install the membrane either horizontally or vertically, depending upon the project considerations.
  • Arrange the membrane in a straight manner and remove the release film in a gradual fashion. Then apply uniform pressure using a 28-lb weighted roller to ensure 100% bond to the underlying substrate.
  • Apply the membrane starting at the lowest point, working the way to the highest point.
  • Use minimum 3 inch side lap and 6 inch end laps, and stagger all end laps by at least 3 feet.
  • Protect membrane from damage or direct contact with any backfill. Backfill shall be executed in lifts or stages of a maximum of 12 inches to ensure proper compaction. Ensure base of foundation walls have proper drainage designed to limit the hydrostatic pressure.
  • When installing on vertical concrete surfaces, a termination bar is recommended around the top.
  • Concrete must be allowed to cure a minimum of 7 days and must be dry and free from frost before product is applied. Structural lightweight concrete must be cured for 14 days. Where curing compounds are used, they must be clear resin based, without oil, wax, or pigments.


Property Typical Values Reference Test
Tensile strength, membrane 370psi ASTM D412
Elongation, Rubberized Asphalt 600% ASTM D412
Tensile Strength, Film 7,200 psi ASTM D882
Permeance 0.05 perms max. ASTM E96
Crack Cycling Not affected at -15°F ASTM C836
Peel Strength 17 lb/inch width ASTM D903
Lap Peel Adhesion 8 lb/inch width ASTM D1876
Low Temperature Flexibility -15°F ASTM D1970
Pliability No effect at -25°F ASTM D146
Puncture Resistance 70 lb ASTM E154
Water Absorption 0.1 % max ASTM D570
Hydrostatic Head 231 ft ASTM D5385
Resistance to Fungi in Soil No effect at 16 weeks GSA-PBS 07115
Soil Burial No effect at 16 weeks GSA-PBS 07121

Product Data

Product Data  
Width 36 in
Length 66 ft 8 in
Thickness 60 mil (nominal)
Roll Size 200 sq ft
Weight 73 lb (nominal)
Rolls per pallet 25


Tarco Specialty Products, Inc. offers a 10 Year Limited Warranty on BG700.

All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are presented without guaranty, warranty or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied, except as may be indicated otherwise in this literature.